Plasma HDTV - The Truth About Plasma TV Lifespan

If you're still living back in the days when Plasma TVs were only supposed to last a short time then you need to drag yourself back into current reality.

The truth is, a Plasma HDTV can last you up to half a lifetime - that's no exageration with several major companies including Panasonic, Samsung and Pioneer listing longevity of up to 60,000 hours.

Equivalent Longevity To LCD TVs
This now means plasma TVs are now equal to LCDs in longevity which is impressive considering LCDs were supposed to run them out of town when they first hit the market and many were shouting the "death of plasma."

Many are still clinging to the claims of nearly a decade ago that plasma TVs burnt out too quick and were not worth their purchase price in comparison to their shelf life.
That's true in a sense when one needed to shelve out nearly five figures for the pleasure of putting one over their neighbors in the "keeping up with the Jones'" race but things have turned around dramatically since then.

THe price of plasmas has dropped significantly - thanks to new technology, more units being sold and the competition from LCD units. Plasma burn may even be thing of the past although don't dare test it by leaving your screen on a still image for more than ten minutes.
Today's models are thinner, have superior anti-burn technology and consume much less power. From a viewing perspective, they have always been superior especially from TV viewing distance and viewing angle