Review: Pioneer 50 Plasmas

Review: Pioneer 50 Plasmas
By Jakob Culver

Pioneer has two different categories of 50 plasma televisions, the PDP models and the Elite PRO models, with the Elite PRO models being more up market. The models that fall into the Pioneer 50 model class are the following:

-Elite PRO-910HD
-Elite PRO-1110HD

The models with the HD (High Definition) abbreviation on the end are your consumer models that come with all the bells and whistles. The models with the CMX abbreviation are your professional broadcasting models which are made for use as just computer and display devices, they don't come with speakers, the outboard media receiver and many other special features.


The picture quality and sharpness of the plasma screen is the same in both the PDP and Elite PRO models from pioneer. The main differences in the aesthetic features, is the make up of the plasma TV around the screen. The features on the PDP models is a black 2-inch border with silver non-flush 2 way speakers, which do not align with the height of the plasma (i.e. the speaker are not the same height as the plasma). The features on the Elite PRO model are of better quality with a brushed silver border with black flush 3 way speaker which align with the height of the plasma.


Both the PDP and Elite PRO models come with side mounting speakers, however they are not created the same. The PDP model speakers come as 2 way speakers with a tweeter and a mid/woofer driver. The Elite pro model speakers come as 3 way speakers with a tweeter, mid driver and woofer driver separate. The speakers are also of better quality and will produce a much better sound.

Other features and Comparisons

In terms of the PDP models verse the Elite Pro models, the Elite PRO models come with the following extra features:

-Pure Vision Color Management: This allows users to customize the colors of their plasma with more advanced features than the PDP models, giving better control of the quality of picture the Elite PRO models can produce.

-Pure Color Filter: The Elite PRO models come with a conditioning filter on the exterior of the plasma screen which eliminates glare and produces better sharpness than the PDP models do.

-Gold Terminals: The Elite PRO models come with gold terminals on the back of the plasma as opposed to the standard terminals on the PDP models. This means that the quality of signal going in and out of the Elite PRO models will be better than the PDP models.

-Warranty: Basically The PDP models come with the standard 1 year parts and labor warranty (however sometime come with a special 2 year warranty), where the Elite PRO models come with an extended 2 years parts and labor warranty.

These are the basic features and comparisons of the Pioneer 50 plasma models. Both the PDP and Elite PRO models are among the highest and prestige quality of plasma TVs on the market. What ever type of 50 Pioneer plasma you choose, you know you will be getting a high quality plasma that stands above many competitor plasmas out there.

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