Which Is Better LCD or Plasma?

Which Is Better - LCD or Plasma?
By Michelle Carey

Is it going be used for digital signage? Will it be the main display for a small room? The usage will be a big influence in what we would recommend. Digital signage is a relatively new trend for churches, and either display format would work great for this application. If it's being used in a room where the viewing angle is important, the best choice will most likely be Plasma. They tend to have better viewing angles than LCDs, though LCD viewing angles have been improving. Where will it be placed? How much room do you have to work with? If you have a small space, Plasma monitors may not be the best option since they are generally not available smaller than 37 diagonal. So, if you need a small 30 display for a kiosk then an LCD display is the best solution. At the same time, most LCD screens do not usually come larger than a 40 diagonal. So, if you think a 65 display would look great on your platform or would work perfectly as your stage confidence monitor, then Plasma is the way to go.

OK, so what's the first question you always ask? - How much are they? - This is a great question, but it should really be the last thing you consider. By answering all of the above questions, it's very likely that you have already determined the display that is right for your situation. So when it comes to price, as a general rule, if the size is the same and the features are the same, then a Plasma display will be less expensive than an LCD display. Just remember, less expensive does not necessarily mean better or worse. It is always better to choose the right option for the specific application.

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Copyright 2006, Fowler Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.

Fowler Productions has been helping churches with multimedia since 1992, about the time LCD projectors were being recognized as a new tool for presentations. From then until now, we have made a commitment to assist churches and ministries in presenting multimedia better. Fowler also assists corporate clients with projection. The company offers complete design and installation options along with audio and intelligent lighting. Fowler is a full service A-V dealer and authorized service center. Fowler was the first company to offer a worship presentation software as an alternative to Powerpoint.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=MichelleCarey